Come and visit our Garden Center and Treat Centre!
We have a GARDEN centre with farm fresh eggs, honey, preserves, home items and a TREAT centre with hot/cold beverages, frozen treats including Foothills hard ice cream by the scoop, affogato’s, floats
We have a handicap accessible washroom on site.
Payments Accepted:
We currently accept Mastercard, Visa, Debit and Cash.

See a Variety of Farm Animals
We have a large variety of animals for viewing, including: Mini horses, Mini donkeys, Mini Jersey Cows, Kune Kune pigs, “Cricket” the talking Cockatoo, Rabbits, Doves, Chickens, Turkeys, Peacocks, Sheep, Pigmy Goats, Ducks, and “Jack and Jill” the farm cats.

OUR Garden
We pride ourselves on planting a chemical-free, We start select plants in our own sunroom and transplant to the green house and garden. The rest are hand planted, or seeded using a seeder. Lots of effort and energy goes into weeding our chemical free planting!
We plant the produce and U-Pick…yes U-Pick is back!
We have a first come first pick system. We can’t always update this in real time, but we update Facebook and our message daily.
We plant approx. 7 acres in garden and source our seeds from Canadian companies with Non-Gmo policies. This year we used some Canadian Gaia Green organic fertilizer, our home made compost, our old manure mix, and wood ash. We are trying out some compost and red wiggler worm castings from local Annelida Casting Innovations as well! Look for their amazing product for purchase in our check out area this year.
The yield of our produce and fruit is weather and season dependant. We appreciate the timing of this rain as we just finished planting the garden! Please scroll back to last year’s posts on this Facebook page and you will have an idea of what items and around what time of the summer it is picked. We plant a bit of most everything, so availability depends on yield and demand.
CHECK FACEBOOK daily or call 780-968-0099 daily we will update as best we can as availability changes.

Dress for the Weather!
Dress for the weather!! Bring coats, sweaters, hats, sunglasses, sunscreen, proper footwear, mosquito repellant, and rubber gloves if needed.

No reservations needed unless you are interested in the Treehouse Area. For more information see the Groups and Reservations tab.
Please respect the personal space of others.

Bring Your Bags, Containers or Pails
Bring produce/reusable bags, pails and/or containers to pack your produce into! We charge $2 for pails!

BEE Prepared!
If you have environmental / sting allergies – BEE prepared! We DO NOT have an EPI pen on site.

Please Leave Your Pets @ Home
Please leave your pets at home – we have free ranging animals on our farm. We ask you to enjoy our animals while you are here at Happy Acres U-Pick.

U-Pick is back Check into the Garden Centre and we will guide you around our farm and how to pick the produce. Also WE have some pre-picked produce and have available at our farm stand. First come first get. Call our message at 780-968-0099 OR check our FACEBOOK page weekly for an updated list of items available just before you come out.