Thank you for your support
We plant a conventional garden usually May long weekend into early June and items in our garden come ready end of June into the fall months.
We have NO heated greenhouses, NO chemicals, NO fertilizers other the GAIA green organic fertilizer and usually provide irrigation only to our greenhouses. We use compost on our gardens to replenish our soil and crop rotate. Mother nature provides the rest. We get what we get! Due to this natural process, we end up with a ton of weeds and yes… we have a “garden of weeden” at times!
LIKE our FACEBOOK page or call ahead for recorded information to 780-968-0099

We pride ourselves on planting a chemical-free, fertilizer-free garden. We hand plant, seed using a seeder and hand weed as well. Lots of effort and energy goes into chemical free planting!
U-Pick is back!! WE plant the garden and YOU pick the items we select are ready. Check into the garden centre when you arrive and we will give you orientation and directions to the garden and how to pick! Please call 780-968-0099 for updates as to what is ready in the garden or LIKE and check our FACEBOOK page regularly!
We have a first come first pick system. We can’t always update this in real time, but we update Facebook and our message daily.
We plant approx. 7 acres in garden and source our seeds from Canadian companies with Non-Gmo policies. This year we used some Canadian Gaia Green organic fertilizer, our home made compost, our old manure mix, and wood ash. We are trying out some compost and red wiggler worm castings from local Annelida Casting Innovations as well! Look for their amazing product for purchase in our check out area this year.
The yield of our produce and fruit is weather and season dependant. We appreciate the timing of this rain as we just finished planting the garden! Please scroll back to last year’s posts on this Facebook page and you will have an idea of what items and around what time of the summer it is picked. We plant a bit of most everything, so availability depends on yield and demand.
CHECK FACEBOOK daily or call 780-968-0099 daily we will update as best we can as availability changes.

Chemical-Free Veggies
Availability of items are dependant on season and time of maturation. (meaning we may not have all of these)
Our Typical Chemical-Free Veggies include:
Beans (Green, Yellow), Beets, Broccoli, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Corn, Cucumbers (pickling and slicing), Garlic, Herbs, Kale, Kohlrabi, Lettuce (Mixed), Onions, Peas (edible and shelling), Potatoes, Spinach, Squash, Summer Turnips, Swiss Chard, Tomatoes, Turnips, Zucchini. Okra, Beets, Winter Turnips ( Rutabaga), Sili Peppers, Okra, Summer Turnips, Oriental Greens, Collard Greens, Summer and Winter Squash varieties.

Chemical-Free Fruit
Availability of items are dependant on season and time of maturation.
Some of our Chemical-Free fruits include:
Currants ( Black and Red), Nan-King cherries, Pumpkins, Raspberries, Saskatoons, Highbush Cranberries, Rhubarb, Nan King Cherries, Evans Cherries, Sea Buckthorn, Apples

Fresh Cut Flowers
Availability of items are dependant on season and time of maturation.
We also plant a selection of sunflowers and cut flowers for bouquets